Thursday, January 15, 2015


Hello, dear friends!
 As the weeks go by, I get very touched to see how you all always take the time to visit my little blog 
and always leave me such wonderful comments.
It really means a lot to me and I appreciate sooo much your time and friendship.

For that reason, I wanted to host a small giveaway to thank you all for everything you do.

This giveaway includes a set of three 16x16 envelope style pillow covers made by me.
The set includes one Parisian theme pillow cover.

One red pillow cover.

And one light gray pillow cover.

And just for fun, I am also including three sets of six each Valentine's gift tags.

To enter the giveaway all you have to do is click on the link below to enter your name and email address.

Please, also leave me a comment letting me know you entered so I can make sure your name 
was included in the drawing.

The winner will be chosen randomly using Rafflecopter next week 
Friday, January 23rd, 2015.

Thank you all so very much.
Good luck, everyone!

Update: For some unknown reason the Rafflecopter is not working. 
Please, just leave me a blog comment and you will automatically be entered.
For those of you that have already used the Rafflecopter, don't worry, 
I will enter you manually.
Thank you all so much!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You do such nice work, MariaElena...and the red, so pretty!! :)

  2. I entered my name and address by clicking below. Lovely pillows!

  3. What lovely pillow covers! You have such marvelous giveaways! The tags are beautiful and unique! Hopefully I did the entry process correctly.:-)

  4. Maria...your sewing is always amazingly wonderful and I love the fabric you chose for these fun! I entered and want to thank you for being so generous...your blog is a joy to visit.

    Thank you for the sweet comment today. Linen closets...all closets. They are private but still nag at us. How funny!

    Jane x

  5. Beautiful Maria, what a lovely job! Very generous of you sweet lady.
    Have a great weekend ahead.
    PS: My DD Alexandra is going to visit her fiancé in Spain where he lives and she will live there too when they get married sometime this year, I believe.
    He has soda factories there and he is also Ecuadorian. She's leaving the 6th. of Feb.

  6. I entered! I love the pillows. The print one is so cute!

  7. The pillow covers are really beautiful!

  8. Those pillow covers are gorgeous. I would love to win those and the lovely tags. But I couldn't get the Rafflecopter to work. :(

    1. Thank you! Don't worry. I will enter your name manually.

  9. These are so perfectly lovely, that print fabric is adorable and pairs so well with the red and gray! Thank you for the opportunity to win, your giveaway is most generous!!!

  10. me, me, me ( waving arm wildly) Please enter me in your lovely giveaway. These are the colors of our granddaughter Paris theme bedroom!. xoxo P.S. Please top by Katherines corner and add your giveaway to my giveaway list and enter some of my giveaways too ♥

  11. You amaze me with your sewing skills and you always pick the prettiest fabric! So sweet of you to offer this giveaway. :)

  12. Your Parisian pillow covers are tres chic, my friend! Yes, I'd love to be entered for your generous giveaway!

    Happy weekend!


  13. Love Love Love, they are beautiful

  14. Your pillows are beautiful! It would be wonderful to win.

  15. Thanks for the opportunity to enter in this giveaway. You are such a beautiful soul.

  16. Your pillow cover are so pretty. Thank you for being so generous!

  17. Love your give away pillows, very pretty.

  18. Please enter me. They are just adorable!


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