Friday, March 4, 2016


Hello, friends and happy Friday!
The day I decided to start this blog, I would of never thought that soon after I would become part 
of this wonderful blogging community.

When I published that first post on 27 September 2011, you can view it here, I was scared to death 
of embarrassing myself. LOL  But at the same time it was so wonderful and exciting.

Since then, my blog has become such a big part of my life and I love the fact that I have been able to meet such wonderful and caring people along the way from all over the world.

This past week, my blog reached a milestone, I had over a million views. Wow!  
To me, it is amazing to think so many of you took the time to visit my little blog.

 And to thank you, I decided to host a giveaway.


 Since Spring and Easter are around the corner, I thought it would be nice to add some Spring items to this giveaway.

 The giveaway will include two Spring colors 18" x 18" pillow covers, made by me. :)

 A set of two Spring kitchen towels.

A " Happy Easter" wooden banner.

 Two pretty pink mason jars with galvanized lids.

 And a set of vinyl kitchen jar labels also made right in my craft room. :) Directions on how to apply them 
to your jars will be included with the labels.

 I will also be adding a couple of little surprises to the box for the lucky winner.

To enter this giveaway all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post. 
I will announce the winner next Friday, March 11th, 2016.

Again, thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for all the support and friendship you give me 
all through the year. I appreciate all of you!

Have a great weekend everyone!




  1. Congratulations Maria, I'm a fairly new follower but enjoying my visits. Your giveaway is lovely, thank you for the chance to win a spring inspiration.

  2. Congrats dear Maria Elena! You have a beautiful blog, we all love it as much as your friendship.
    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway and for the chance.
    Have a great weekend ahead.

  3. Hi, Maria......I have always enjoyed your blogs and all your posts are beautiful.
    THank you mucho for the chance to win these giveaways.

  4. I can't wait for spring!!!

    - judith

  5. Wow ...Soneone is going to be very happy...maybe me!

  6. I love the lavender colors of spring! Congratulations on your blog milestone and good luck to all with the giveaway!

  7. Ooo-la-la! Those would make such an amazingly charming housewarming gift for my Tennessee Retreat on Tennessee River!!

  8. Congratulations! Your giveaway really looks like spring is really coming soon.

  9. Your blog is awesome, I love reading it. I am very inspired by you. If I won I would let me 20 year old daughter pick out what she wanted for her new home, she is getting married this spring to her high school sweetheart. He is currently stationed at Lackland AF Base in San Antonio where they will live for the next few years. I am so happy for her but sad for me, lol. #motherproblems

  10. Beautiful gifts Maria Elena! Such lovely colors. Congratulations !! This is a beautiful blog!

  11. What a sweet giveaway! Congratulations on your blog success! I really enjoy reading it!

  12. Congrats - that's a huge milestone!!!! What super cute giveaway items you've put together - lovely!!

  13. Congratulations, Maria Elena! A milestone, indeed! I love your blog and I love your style ideas! Your taste is so very similar to mine and the gifts you are offering as a giveaway are simply beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    And I look forward to many more milestones on your blog! XO

  14. This is lovely! Thank you so much for giving us the chance to win such a wonderful giveaway.


  15. Congratulations! You've had terrific success.

  16. Congratulations on such a fantastic milestone, you must feel so proud! And the giveaway is a great idea, too.

  17. Thanks for the opportunity...I would LOVE to win :-)

  18. What a cute giveaway! I love your blog it's always a favorite.

  19. Wow, five years, I'm getting close to almost Great liking your choices as a definite spring fling of sorts. Thanks and congrats on five years! Sandi

  20. This is just the package of goodies that I need to go to my mailbox to receive! Here in Montana Spring is quite a ways off, but I am sooo looking forward to it after all the months stuck in the house. I have loved your blog for so long...and so glad I would have many of those 1 million views! Congratulations on such a mile deserve it from all your work to keep us entertained!!!!

  21. Congrats on this exciting milestone! Such wonderful prize items...especially those pillows of yours! Always a fan of your pillow-sewing skills. I'm so happy I discovered your blog and the terrific home décor style you have!

  22. Congratulations Maria! I look forward to your posts every week. Your package of goodies is such a kind gesture on your part to one lucky follower. Keep doing what your doing. It brings sunshine to my day!

  23. Wow!! A million views? That is amazing Maria!'s to a million more! :)

  24. Congratulations! I love to look at your beautiful ideas!

  25. Congrats on a successful blog, Maria, it is well deserved!...Christine

  26. Congratulations on such a wonderful milestone, Maria Elena! You have a lovely blog and a beautiful home, so it doesn't surprise me at all that your blog is successful. This is truly such a sweet collection of goodies for your give-away.....any of us would be lucky to be the winner.

    Warm hugs,


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