Monday, January 4, 2016



Happy New Year, everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful celebration. We enjoyed a very much needed quite time this past weekend. 
Spent it at home taking down the rest of the Christmas decor, trying to figure out what to do with a very 
empty house :) and just relaxing the rest of the time.  

This week is back to reality. We have officially survived the holidays, everyone is back to work today 
and we should all be back to regular schedules in a few days.

 And now it is time to take a look at last week features.

Laura at Inspiration For Moms shared a wonderful collection of healthy snacks under 150 calories. Great post!

 Brenda at Much More Creative  made a beautiful Winter owl sign.

If you need dinner inspiration, Crystal at Crystal & Co. shared 31 wonderful crockpot recipes. 

Sherri at To Simply Inspire made her own peppermint lip balm. 

 Virginia at Fynes Designs is making gorgeous decor items with her new scroll saw.

 Taylor at Pink Heels Pink Truck made Maple Bacon Cinnamon Rolls. They look delicious!

Thank you to all who took the time to participate!
 I always appreciate your visits and wonderful comments! 
If you were featured, please feel free to grab a "featured button" from my sidebar.   You will also be able to view all these posts linked directly to the owner's blogs at my new Pinterest page.

Now, lets see what you have been up to this week! You can link up any posts that are home decor, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking or DIY related.  NO Etsy shops or link parties, please. And although there is really no other rules to join, I would love if you start following my blog.

  Have fun!


Welcome! Thank you for sharing at Tuesdays at our Home!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Happy New Year, Maria Elena. Can't wait to see what you are up to this year!

  2. Happy New Year Maria Elena!
    Glad you have been able to get back home to see your family. I bet you found the weather really mild in Madrid. It is really warm here in Alicante....rather strange!!

    keep well

    Amanda x

  3. Oh, off to peek at the homemade lip balm! Happy New Year! :)

  4. Thank you for hosting, MariaElena. Warm wishes for 2016. :)

  5. Good evening, Maria Elena, and Happy New Year! Thank you for throwing such a fun party! Have a great week!

  6. Thank you so much for hosting all thru last year dear Maria Elena and for having me. Looking forward to more of the fun and inspiration this new year as well.
    I see you're back from Home and I bet you had a very happy and fun time with your dear ones.
    Happy new year and many blessings for you and yours.

    PS: I'm hosting for our nephew and his family a luncheon tomorrow, so I am dedicating it to 'Dia de Reyes Magos.'

  7. Happy new year and thanks for hosting! Hope this year is the BEST!!

  8. Thanks for the party Maria and super happy new year to you!

  9. Glad you had a good trip and got back in time to enjoy the holidays. Looking forward to all the great ideas you will no doubt be posting in 2016! Happy New Year!

  10. Hello beautiful! Thank you for the amazing party! Please take a moment to stop by our party that goes until Friday @ 7. We pin and tweet everything! Happy New Year! Lou Lou Girls

  11. Thank you so much for featuring my Maple Bacon Cinnamon Rolls!!!


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