Monday, February 6, 2017


Welcome to Tuesdays at Our Home!

Thank you so much for being here.
Hard to believe is already February and it looks like everyone has been busy sprucing their homes and getting ready for Valentine's Day and the Spring months soon to come. 
Here are some of last week features for your viewing pleasure.

Kathy at Petticoat Junktion re-purposed an old furniture piece into a beautiful beverage cabinet.

Amy at My Life From Home created a wonderful Hot Chocolate Station for a Snow Themed Party 
for her daughter's birthday.

Ashley at Simply Designing  made a beautiful Valentine's print and shared it it with all of us as a free download.

Carrie at Frugal Foodie Mama put together a wonderful collection of 14 Romantic Dinners-In recipes 
for Valentine's Day. 

Love this recipe by Linda at Crafts a la Mode for Heart Shaped Cherry Hand Pie.

Heather at Centsible Chateau shared her gorgeous newly renovated master bathroom.

 Thank you to all who took the time to participate!
 I always appreciate your visits and wonderful comments! 
If you were featured, please feel free to grab a "featured button" from my sidebar.   You will also be able to view all these posts linked directly to the owner's blogs at my new Pinterest page.

 Now, lets see what you have been up to this week! You can link up any posts that are home decor, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking or DIY related.  NO Etsy shops or link parties, please. And although there is really no other rules to join, I would love if you start following my blog.

Have fun!

Welcome! Thank you for sharing at Tuesdays at our Home!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Hi Maria Elena,

    Beautiful features! So glad to be joining you again for your party. Thanks so much for hosting!

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Thank you for featuring my Valentine's Day Printable this week!

  3. Lovely party again this week. Hope you had a nice weekend!

  4. Hi Maria, Thank you for featuring my Beverage Cabinet. Have a great week!

  5. Thank you so much for hosting this week! ā¤

  6. What wonderful features, ME!!!

    Thank you for hosting this awesome party!

    I have joined in the fun with my latest post; a pretty teacup giveaway. ā™„


  7. Thanks for a super fun party! Will join again next week!
    - Journa from the team at and

  8. Thanks for the party. I am very late linking up but better late than never!

  9. Hey Maria, I hope you are doing well. Thanks for hosting. :-)

  10. Thank you so much for hosting! I hope that your week is over the top amazing! Robin | Fluster Buster

  11. Hi Maria Elena, this is my first visit to your party and I look forward to partying with you each week!

  12. Hi Maria! Oh, what a fun party and I should have joined it earlier but I will now. Thank you for popping in to see me and your kind words.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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