Monday, April 25, 2016



Hard to believe it is Monday again! Where did the weekend go? :) Before we start another week and a new party, 
lets take a look at last week features.

I just love the way Handan at The Navage Patch refinished some old flower pots.

Amy at Attagirl Says taught us how to make a Geometric Globe Pendant Light.

 Poppy at With a Dash Of Color added beautiful Spring decor to her master bath.

 Kathy at Penney Lane shared a wonderful recipe for Napa Valley Chicken.

Carrie at Frugal Foodie Mama shared a yummy recipe for Orange Creamsicle Danis Muffins.

Another great recipe was shared by Kit at The Kitchen, Eggs in Hash Brown Nests.

Jennifer at Busy Being Jennifer made a gorgeous Vintage Sheet Quilt.

Becky at The Logbook turned an an unused space of her home into a beautiful mudroom.

Thank you to all who took the time to participate!
 I always appreciate your visits and wonderful comments! 
If you were featured, please feel free to grab a "featured button" from my sidebar.   You will also be able to view all these posts linked directly to the owner's blogs at my new Pinterest page.

Now, lets see what you have been up to this week! You can link up any posts that are home decor, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking or DIY related.  NO Etsy shops or link parties, please. And although there is really no other rules to join, I would love if you start following my blog.

  Have fun!


Welcome! Thank you for sharing at Tuesdays at our Home!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, April 22, 2016


I think it is safe to say, when it rains it pours! :)
First, I want to thank all of you that emailed me or left me a comment to check on us.
For the last two weeks our days have been kind of insane. Since that horrible storm came through our city all we have done is deal with vehicle and home insurance, contractors and one problem after another. 

The bad news is that the storm caused twenty eight thousand dollars of damage to our home and over nine thousand dollars to our vehicles, the worst news are that the collision repair shops are booked solid until September due to the thousands of cars that suffered damage and we won't be able to get any repairs done until then. Meanwhile, we have managed to have two of the windshields repaired so at least, we have transportation. We will have to wait for the other two cars until more glass is available.

We hope to have better luck with the house repairs, but we are not sure of the outcome just yet. All we know is that we are glad Summer and dry weather is on its way, because the roof on our home looks like a block of Swiss cheese, nothing but holes all around.

On a lighter note, just before all this happened, the small freezer we had in the pantry decided to call it quits.
We can't complaint. It served us well over 12 years. 
We were able to find one about the same size at Home Depot that same weekend.

Monday, April 18, 2016



I hope everyone had a great weekend. 
It was hard to choose some features from last week party.So many wonderful posts!
 Here are a few for your viewing pleasure.

 Sara at Twelve On Main build the prettiest hanging planter boxes.

Sherry at Savvy Apron  did a beautiful job repurposing an old chair.  

 Jenny at Honey & Birch shared a wonderful recipe for Raspberry Lemon Muffins.

Another great recipe was shared by Tanya at Lemons For Lulu, Ham and Swiss Monkey Bread. 

 Jessica at Lou Lou Girls built a beautiful hanging gutter planter.

Lynzy at Lynzy & CO. shared a great post on how to distress a TV console cabinet.

 Colleen at Life on Kaydeross Creek used an old metal piece to create a Fixer Upper inspired wall decor. 


Thank you to all who took the time to participate!
 I always appreciate your visits and wonderful comments! 
If you were featured, please feel free to grab a "featured button" from my sidebar.   You will also be able to view all these posts linked directly to the owner's blogs at my new Pinterest page.

Now, lets see what you have been up to this week! You can link up any posts that are home decor, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking or DIY related.  NO Etsy shops or link parties, please. And although there is really no other rules to join, I would love if you start following my blog.

  Have fun!

Welcome! Thank you for sharing at Tuesdays at our Home!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, April 15, 2016


It has been a bad week for us. Really, really bad!
Last Tuesday night we had a severe hail storm come through our city. You can read about it here.

We had hail larger than the size of baseballs which have caused severe damage to our home and all four of our cars. None of them are drivable. 

There is no words to explain what we are going through.
There is thousands of people with damaged homes and vehicles, insurance companies are flying in adjusters from all over the US to help with all the claims, but as of right now, there is several weeks waiting list for windshield repairs and about three months for the body repair shops.

After calling every shop in town, we have been able to locate a company that had a cancellation and they will be repairing the broken windows in our home before the week is over. All out of pocket, since we can not wait several weeks for claims to go through, specially with more rain coming in the forecast.

We are still waiting to hear from the car insurance adjuster so we can start getting our cars fixed.
As of right now, there isn't a rental car to be had in a fifty mile radius. What a nightmare!
The truth is that all these things will get repaired, even my brand new car :( and we are just thankful nobody got hurt.

 With all this said, I have to tell you it will be a little while before I will back on the blog.
I will try to still host Tuesdays at Our Home link party next week if things come down a bit.
Thank you all for understanding.

Monday, April 11, 2016



I hope you had a chance to visit last week party. 
I enjoyed seeing all the beautiful decor, DIY projects and a ton of amazing recipes.
Lets take a look at some of those posts.

Pat at On Crooked Creektt made a a gorgeous Spring wreath. 

Stacey at Poofing the Pillows shared a beautiful home tour.

Sheila at My Kentucky Living decorated her kitchen for Spring beautifully.

Fabby at Fabby's Living created a gorgeous Spring tablescape.

Laura at Inspiration For Moms made a beautiful succulent garden table centerpiece.

Brandie at Home Cooking Memories shared a great recipe for Chicken Caesar Salad sandwich.

Carrie at Frugal Foodie Mama made Pina Colada Banana Bread. Looks delicious!

Clare at Super Mommy Club shared a great collection of 10 Caramel recipes.

Thank you to all who took the time to participate!
 I always appreciate your visits and wonderful comments! 
If you were featured, please feel free to grab a "featured button" from my sidebar.   You will also be able to view all these posts linked directly to the owner's blogs at my new Pinterest page. 

Now, lets see what you have been up to this week! You can link up any posts that are home decor, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking or DIY related.  NO Etsy shops or link parties, please. And although there is really no other rules to join, I would love if you start following my blog.

  Have fun!

Friday, April 8, 2016


Happy Friday!
Little by little, I have been refreshing and adding some Spring decor to our home.

Our weather is already very warm, mostly in the 80's and that is giving me the initiative to change things around the house. Our entrance table has not "suffered" any changes for a long while now, so it was time to give it a little update.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Hello everyone. I hope you are having a great week.
It has been a bit busy for me, but finally getting ahead decorating our home for Spring.

I always work first on our living areas, so the family room and kitchen were the first rooms I changed.

Monday, April 4, 2016



 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
We spent ours enjoying beautiful weather and working on some outdoor projects.

Before we start another week & party, I want to share with you some of the highlights from last week 
Tuesdays at Our Home.

Suzy at Worthing Court is remodeling her dining room.

 LZ at The Summery Umbrella built a beautiful princess loft bed for their daughter.

 Dreaming in Color shared built a Starburst Clock.
So pretty and original.

 Shannah at My Suburban Kitchen shared a wonderful collection of Spring recipes.

 More Spring recipes were shared by Sarah at Bombshell Bling.

 Artsy Vava turned a plain glass jar into a beautiful decor piece for her home.

 Michele at The Scrap Shoppe made beautiful confetti cups.

Thank you to all who took the time to participate!
 I always appreciate your visits and wonderful comments! 
If you were featured, please feel free to grab a "featured button" from my sidebar.   You will also be able to view all these posts linked directly to the owner's blogs at my new Pinterest page. 

Now, lets see what you have been up to this week! You can link up any posts that are home decor, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking or DIY related.  NO Etsy shops or link parties, please. And although there is really no other rules to join, I would love if you start following my blog.

  Have fun!

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